‘Tsuki-himo’ - A special string to close-up mendare and protect the throat from tsuki.
I currently punch holes on the edge of the mendare and string cotton kote-himo through it that I tie behind the tsukidare. It closes up the space between the tsukidare and mendare. It’s the closed-up throat look I apply to my men. I rarely see anyone with this ‘tsuki-himo’. I don't know what to call it really. I thought maybe 'tome-himo' based off the existing term 'tomekawa' for that leather thing that already keeps your mendare and tsukidare together on the top of the tsukidare. I'm sure an official term exists/will exist soon. I prefer this closed-up throat look for both aesthetics and safety. It looks more like the ‘shape 1’ I write about here , and it protects my throat from missed tsuki strikes. There is no regulation I know of specifically banning this practice. I’m not the only one doing this kind of thing. Ebogu came out with their ‘Genten’ model men, and guess what it has punched through the mimikaw...